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Photograph - Old quarry located close to development

Drainage for new development, Gowerton

Extremely challenging site

Morton-Roberts secured approval for the disposal of surface water from a new residential development on the site of a previously demolished house. This proved to be extremely challenging since percolation tests showed that the soil was not suitable for infiltration drainage while a local land drainage flooding problem meant that surface water was not allowed to be discharged into the nearby local watercourse. In addition Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) had imposed a moratorium on further surface water being discharged into the combined sewers within their Gowerton catchment.


DCWW had imposed the moratorium since excessive spills from combined sewer overflows (CSO's) into the Burry Inlet (a protected shellfish water) meant that the water company faced legal action from the regulator.


Morton-Roberts liaised extensively with DCWW's Developer Services and Swansea Council and this led to investigations into the use of both soakaways and deep bored soakaways, the latter involving extensive research into the local geology, see photograph. Approval was gained for the surface water to be disposed of to SUDS features, including a rainwater harvesting system and a permeable pavement. Due to the prevailing ground conditions, excess water from the rainwater harvesting system and the outflow from the permeable pavement was discharged to the public sewer.

Further information

Please also see the following pages:

Drainage for New Developments


or contact us For further information.

Photograph: Investigations into the possible use of deep bored soakaways involved understanding the local geology, which entailed surveys in nearby abandoned quarries.